Lions Awards

Lions Quest has changed the lives of over 18 million young people and 750,000 teachers in more than 105 countries and geographic areas thanks to the work of Lions around the world. Lions Clubs International Foundation understands that without the dedication of Lions at every level we would not be able to have the impact we do. To recognize those members, clubs and districts for their participation in and commitment to the program LCIF has established the following awards.
Lions Quest Champion Award
The Lions Quest Champion Award recognizes Lions that demonstrate an active commitment to introducing and sustaining Lions Quest activity at the club, region, district, or multiple district level.
Lions Quest Club Achievement Award
The Lions Quest Club Achievement Award recognizes individual Lions clubs that engage in the Lions Quest Program through promotion, advocacy, and coordination of at least two Lions Quest workshops annually.
Lions Quest District Achievement Award
The Lions Quest District Achievement Award recognizes Lions districts that participate and engage in promoting the Lions Quest Program through partnership development, outstanding publicity, and the coordination of Lions Quest workshops.